Monday, February 7, 2011

Revuelta Egipcia

The Egyptian Riots-Egypt riots

What's next?

The media's biased coverage of the protests in Egypt are not coming close to explaining what's really going on in the Middle East. It all is tied into Israel's future. To understand that, let's first do a brief historical review.

In 2066 BC, the Arab lineage began from the offspring of Sarah's handmaiden Hagar, who had an illicit child with Abraham. The Bible, in no uncertain terms, warns us that the descendents of that child, Ishmael, would

1) Multiply like rabbits

2) Live to the east of Israel

3) Always be fighting

In a word, they will simply be irrational (Gen 16:10-12). And to this day, that they are.

About 600 AD the false prophet Muhammad begins the Islamic religion. It's a nasty, works oriented religion that worships the moon god Baal. It requires submission to the Qur'an, which is a fake bible written by Muhammed through encouragement and inspiration by what can only be a demon disguised as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14).

With blind devotion by its followers, Islam spread throughout the middle east, blunted only slightly by the Crusades around 1000-1200 AD. By late nineteenth century, the largest block of Muslims were in the Ottoman Empire who controlled an area from Southern Europe to the Arabian Sea.

In 1917, at the end of World War l, the French and the British defeated the Ottomans and divided the

ottoman map

Ottoman Empire

land into smaller countries. Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Iraq, Yeman, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Israel were all part of the Ottoman Empire up until the British and French conquered them. But this breakup caused a major problem with the Arabs: the hated and despised Jews were now allowed back into their ancestral homeland.

Getting Israel (Jehovah God) out of the Middle East became the chief concern of the Arabs (Satan). The Arabs began immediately demanding to be given the land apportioned to Israel. In fact, all of

British Mandate

Land for Israel originally included

all of Jordan-the pink shaded

area was given to th

Jordan was originally included in the land given to Israel as their homeland. The Arabs were able to wrestle 2/3s of the land away that was given to Israel, and called it Trans-Jordan (today simply called Jordan). But, much to the horror of the Arabs, Israel managed to keep what are basically her borders today.

This led to the formation of the "The Muslim Brotherhood" in 1928. They were formed as a terrorist group to push Israel out of her land, although their official motto/creed says only:

"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."

The Muslim Brotherhood is bent on carrying out the commands of the Qur'an. Since they were founded in 1928, they have fought tooth and nail against the Jews and anyone supporting them...chiefly the United States. But the Muslim Brotherhood not only freedom go to hell signdesires to defeat Israel, they also expect to take over the planet and have Sharia law instituted worldwide. It's sobering to note that ALL the end-time nations prophesied to go to war with Israel are Muslim nations!

The Muslim Brotherhood has many offshoots visible today. Through the years they are responsible for setting up terrorist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, al Qaeda, Black September and Islamic Jihad. They are responsiblemuslim two swords for the murder of Anwar Sadat, the Egyptian President who made peace with Israel, as well as tens of thousands of others who wouldn't agree with them. Again, they are murderous savages who are hugely deceived and are unknowingly worshipping Satan.

So that brings us up to today. The Egyptians are not protesting in order to reform the Egyptian government. Oh, the network cameras have found a few demonstrators who have actually voiced that

Israel Map-two color

Israel has peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan covering 80% of her borders.

desire, but the Satanic roots of what is happening in the Middle East run much deeper. This change of power has to do with the fact that Israel has two peace treaties with Muslim countries - Egypt and Jordan. These two peace treaties cover over 80% of Israel's borders. The Muslim Brotherhood loathes cooperation with Israel and wants to gain political power in Egypt to put an end to it.

So it's not about electing a democracy, but rather, gaining control of Egypt which includes all the military hardware the U.S. has been supplying for the last 30 years. Egypt has a fleet of F-16 Fighter Jets and modern, state-of-the-art tanks. Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, came out this week and said if the Muslim Brotherhood gets elected in Egypt, they will immediately trash the peace agreement with Israel and begin to plan for war.

This is why Israel is screaming with disbelief at the United States for abandoning a stable Egyptian government. The U.S. is not only abandoning Mubarak, they are encouraging the terrorist group,

Obama bowing

Obama was the first U.S. President to ever bow to a Muslim shiek

the Muslim Brotherhood. The Obama Administration, just last month gave a huge world wide signal as they lifted a ban preventing Muslim Professor Tariq Ramadan from entering the U.S. Ramadan, an Egyptian living in Europe, is a leader in Europe's Muslim Brotherhood. President Bush had blocked him from entering the U.S., but not anymore. And this week, the Obama Administration has stated that if the Muslim Brotherhood were to win elections in Egypt, they would work with them. Work with terrorists?

Something smells. If elections were held in Egypt, who do you think would get elected? It is estimated that the Muslim Brotherhood would garner terroristsomewhere between 40% to 60% of the vote. If you don't think Egypt would elect a terrorist group to run their country, think again. A couple of years ago, the United States forced Israel to give up the Gaza strip and let the Muslims living there vote for their leaders. They promptly elected terrorists to run Gaza.

Declaration Paper

More than just words!

The problem is that democracy is not just holding elections. It's a mind set, a culture, a Jehovah God ordained way of life. A rational way of life. But Arabs are destined to be irrational! You can dress up any Arab nation to look like a democracy, and at gun point force it to work (like Iraq), but left to its own, it will deteriorate into anarchy or dictatorship... just as the Bible promises.

So why in the world would we be abandoning Egypt, who controls the Suez Canal/oil flow, for the possibility of it ending up like Iran? Let's look at what the Bible says happens in the latter days.

Israel will have no allies.

"And it will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it. Zech. 12:3

"For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle" Zech. 14:2

All means Israel-crosshairsall. All nations in the world will eventually come against Israel. And she will be alone with a mighty military and with great riches in the land (Ezek 38:12).

Great riches? In the post-Rapture vacuum, Ezek 38/39 says a Russia/Iran alliance will invade Israel from the north. They invade to get the riches in the land. Hmm, there are no riches that we know of, so it's possible oil will be discovered in Israel in the near future.

There are currently two oil drilling companies drilling in Israel and both believe it's only a matter of time when the largest oil field in the world will be oil for Israel signfound. A large oil discovery would send the Arabs into orbit, to say the least. The world would welcome a rational oil supplier on the Mediterranean Sea, away from the Arabs. That would certainly disengage the lock the Arabs have on oil prices. It would also be a logical reason for Russia/Iran to invade.

But regardless of the shape or form of the "riches" that Russia and Iran desire, Israel goes to war with the invaders and wipes out 5/6ths of their armies using some kind of nuclear weapons. Alone and backed into a corner, her destiny at stake and nothing to lose, Israel takes matters into her own hands. She has no choice and begins to systematically take out her enemies. She strikes quickly at those surrounding her borders using her considerable nuclear arsenal.

"In that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot among pieces of wood and a flaming torch among sheaves, so they will consume on the right hand and on the left all the surrounding peoples ..." Zech. 12:6

A-bombIt's not clear which countries Israel wipes out, but with the nukes out of the bag in destroying Russia and Iran, we can easily imagine her taking out Syria, Lebannon and Gaza with neutron bombs that kill the people and leave the buildings uninhabitable. This brings the world to the brink of destruction. Israel has her nukes cocked, loaded, and she takes aim at the rest of the Arabs. Of course, they squeal like pansies. Egypt included.

So it's at this time that a man stands up with a plan to save the world, save the Arabs. He pleads with Israel that if she stops nuking the nations around her, he will guarantee her peace through a seven year treaty.

Israel is bargaining from a strength position and adds a twist to the treaty. Sensing the hand of God templeMtin her recent victories, she demands the right to rebuild her long destroyed Jewish Temple in order to return to animal sacrifices. The new world leader has no choice but to agree to her demands (to stop the Arab squealing :-) and the 50 days between Rapture and the Tribulation are over. It's time for the 70th week of Daniel to begin, the long-awaited seven year tribulation period.

So watch the Egyptian protests play out while keeping the end of the story in mind. Whether the Rapture is now, or 30 years from now, we know how it ends. What an incredible time in which to live!

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