Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Netanyahu: Hay posibilidades que Egipto se convierta en un nuevo Irán
Egipto es uno de los pocos países árabes que mantenían un acuerdo de paz con Israel y esta revuelta podría cambiar el rumbo de la política de ese país con respecto a Israel por la posible toma del poder de la Hermandad Musulmana.
Durante el fin de semana se informó que un ataque provocó el corte de suministro de gas desde ese país hacia Israel.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Revuelta Egipcia
The Egyptian Riots-
What's next?
The media's biased coverage of the protests in Egypt are not coming close to explaining what's really going on in the Middle East. It all is tied into Israel's future. To understand that, let's first do a brief historical review.
In 2066 BC, the Arab lineage began from the offspring of Sarah's handmaiden Hagar, who had an illicit child with Abraham. The Bible, in no uncertain terms, warns us that the descendents of that child, Ishmael, would
1) Multiply like rabbits
2) Live to the east of Israel
3) Always be fighting
In a word, they will simply be irrational (Gen 16:10-12). And to this day, that they are.
About 600 AD the false prophet Muhammad begins the Islamic religion. It's a nasty, works oriented religion that worships the moon god Baal. It requires submission to the Qur'an, which is a fake bible written by Muhammed through encouragement and inspiration by what can only be a demon disguised as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14).
With blind devotion by its followers, Islam spread throughout the middle east, blunted only slightly by the Crusades around 1000-1200 AD. By late nineteenth century, the largest block of Muslims were in the Ottoman Empire who controlled an area from Southern Europe to the Arabian Sea.
In 1917, at the end of World War l, the French and the British defeated the Ottomans and divided the
Ottoman Empire |
land into smaller countries. Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Iraq, Yeman, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Israel were all part of the Ottoman Empire up until the British and French conquered them. But this breakup caused a major problem with the Arabs: the hated and despised Jews were now allowed back into their ancestral homeland.
Getting Israel (Jehovah God) out of the Middle East became the chief concern of the Arabs (Satan). The Arabs began immediately demanding to be given the land apportioned to Israel. In fact, all of
Land for Israel originally included all of Jordan-the pink shaded area was given to th |
Jordan was originally included in the land given to Israel as their homeland. The Arabs were able to wrestle 2/3s of the land away that was given to Israel, and called it Trans-Jordan (today simply called Jordan). But, much to the horror of the Arabs, Israel managed to keep what are basically her borders today.
This led to the formation of the "The Muslim Brotherhood" in 1928. They were formed as a terrorist group to push Israel out of her land, although their official motto/creed says only:
"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."
The Muslim Brotherhood is bent on carrying out the commands of the Qur'an. Since they were founded in 1928, they have fought tooth and nail against the Jews and anyone supporting them...chiefly the United States. But the Muslim Brotherhood not only desires to defeat Israel, they also expect to take over the planet and have Sharia law instituted worldwide. It's sobering to note that ALL the end-time nations prophesied to go to war with Israel are Muslim nations!
The Muslim Brotherhood has many offshoots visible today. Through the years they are responsible for setting up terrorist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, al Qaeda, Black September and Islamic Jihad. They are responsible for the murder of Anwar Sadat, the Egyptian President who made peace with Israel, as well as tens of thousands of others who wouldn't agree with them. Again, they are murderous savages who are hugely deceived and are unknowingly worshipping Satan.
So that brings us up to today. The Egyptians are not protesting in order to reform the Egyptian government. Oh, the network cameras have found a few demonstrators who have actually voiced that
Israel has peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan covering 80% of her borders. |
desire, but the Satanic roots of what is happening in the Middle East run much deeper. This change of power has to do with the fact that Israel has two peace treaties with Muslim countries - Egypt and Jordan. These two peace treaties cover over 80% of Israel's borders. The Muslim Brotherhood loathes cooperation with Israel and wants to gain political power in Egypt to put an end to it.
So it's not about electing a democracy, but rather, gaining control of Egypt which includes all the military hardware the U.S. has been supplying for the last 30 years. Egypt has a fleet of F-16 Fighter Jets and modern, state-of-the-art tanks. Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, came out this week and said if the Muslim Brotherhood gets elected in Egypt, they will immediately trash the peace agreement with Israel and begin to plan for war.
This is why Israel is screaming with disbelief at the United States for abandoning a stable Egyptian government. The U.S. is not only abandoning Mubarak, they are encouraging the terrorist group,
Obama was the first U.S. President to ever bow to a Muslim shiek |
the Muslim Brotherhood. The Obama Administration, just last month gave a huge world wide signal as they lifted a ban preventing Muslim Professor Tariq Ramadan from entering the U.S. Ramadan, an Egyptian living in Europe, is a leader in Europe's Muslim Brotherhood. President Bush had blocked him from entering the U.S., but not anymore. And this week, the Obama Administration has stated that if the Muslim Brotherhood were to win elections in Egypt, they would work with them. Work with terrorists?
Something smells. If elections were held in Egypt, who do you think would get elected? It is estimated that the Muslim Brotherhood would garner somewhere between 40% to 60% of the vote. If you don't think Egypt would elect a terrorist group to run their country, think again. A couple of years ago, the United States forced Israel to give up the Gaza strip and let the Muslims living there vote for their leaders. They promptly elected terrorists to run Gaza.
More than just words! |
So why in the world would we be abandoning Egypt, who controls the Suez Canal/oil flow, for the possibility of it ending up like Iran? Let's look at what the Bible says happens in the latter days.
Israel will have no allies.
"And it will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it. Zech. 12:3
"For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle" Zech. 14:2
All means all. All nations in the world will eventually come against Israel. And she will be alone with a mighty military and with great riches in the land (Ezek 38:12).
Great riches? In the post-Rapture vacuum, Ezek 38/39 says a Russia/Iran alliance will invade Israel from the north. They invade to get the riches in the land. Hmm, there are no riches that we know of, so it's possible oil will be discovered in Israel in the near future.
There are currently two oil drilling companies drilling in Israel and both believe it's only a matter of time when the largest oil field in the world will be found. A large oil discovery would send the Arabs into orbit, to say the least. The world would welcome a rational oil supplier on the Mediterranean Sea, away from the Arabs. That would certainly disengage the lock the Arabs have on oil prices. It would also be a logical reason for Russia/Iran to invade.
But regardless of the shape or form of the "riches" that Russia and Iran desire, Israel goes to war with the invaders and wipes out 5/6ths of their armies using some kind of nuclear weapons. Alone and backed into a corner, her destiny at stake and nothing to lose, Israel takes matters into her own hands. She has no choice and begins to systematically take out her enemies. She strikes quickly at those surrounding her borders using her considerable nuclear arsenal.
"In that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot among pieces of wood and a flaming torch among sheaves, so they will consume on the right hand and on the left all the surrounding peoples ..." Zech. 12:6
It's not clear which countries Israel wipes out, but with the nukes out of the bag in destroying Russia and Iran, we can easily imagine her taking out Syria, Lebannon and Gaza with neutron bombs that kill the people and leave the buildings uninhabitable. This brings the world to the brink of destruction. Israel has her nukes cocked, loaded, and she takes aim at the rest of the Arabs. Of course, they squeal like pansies. Egypt included.
So it's at this time that a man stands up with a plan to save the world, save the Arabs. He pleads with Israel that if she stops nuking the nations around her, he will guarantee her peace through a seven year treaty.
Israel is bargaining from a strength position and adds a twist to the treaty. Sensing the hand of God in her recent victories, she demands the right to rebuild her long destroyed Jewish Temple in order to return to animal sacrifices. The new world leader has no choice but to agree to her demands (to stop the Arab squealing :-) and the 50 days between Rapture and the Tribulation are over. It's time for the 70th week of Daniel to begin, the long-awaited seven year tribulation period.
So watch the Egyptian protests play out while keeping the end of the story in mind. Whether the Rapture is now, or 30 years from now, we know how it ends. What an incredible time in which to live!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Debe romperse el tratado de paz Egipcio-Israeli
White House looking for immediate regime change in Egypt
Vicious street fighting continues in Cairo
The New York Times reported on Thursday evening that the White House is in communication with officials close to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in an effort to convince the embattled leader to step aside immediately instead of finishing out his current term in September as he would prefer.
According to the report, the US plan would see newly-appointed Vice President Omar Suleiman placed in charge of a transitional government supported by the Egyptian Army. The transitional government would include representatives from "a broad range of opposition groups, including the banned Muslim Brotherhood."
Officials tempered the announcement by reminding reporters that the talks were in a preliminary stage and that neither Suleiman or the Army had made any commitments.
Mubarak gave a defiant interview to ABC News 's Christiane Amanpour Thursday evening, saying he would "never run away" and would "die on the soil of Egypt."
"I am fed up. After 62 years in public service, I have had enough. I want to go," Mubarak insisted, while saying that he could not step down now because if he did the country would descend even further into chaos, echoing his words to US President Barak Obama earlier in the day.
Protesters say the regime has organized the violence unleashed over the last few days while regime officials have blamed "foreigners" and newly appointed Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq gave a televised apology for the violence and promised an investigation.
The street fights in and around Tahrir Square in Cairo were intense Thursday evening, with journalists and rights workers being targeted, at least 8 people were reported killed and hundreds more wounded as massive fires burned out of control, looters ransacked stores and blood ran freely in the streets and the Army moved in fits and starts to separate rival groups. But in the morning anti-Mubarak forces were still in control of the square and vowed to renew protests after Friday prayers in the city's mosques.
"All of the sectarian violence is dissolving - Christians, Copts and Muslims are all working together," said one protester. "It makes you wonder where all the hatred came from; maybe it was just created by the regime."
Elsewhere, a spokesman for Egypt's banned Moslem Brotherhood organization made a statement Thursday evening in which he refused to promise that if his party comes to power it will honor the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt signed in 1979, or even recognizing Israel diplomatically, although he conceded that this was an issue that would be decided by an elected parliament representing all Egyptians.
Finally, US officials continue to keep a close eye on events on the ground in Cairo, with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen telling reporters on Thursday that he has been in communication with his Egyptian counterpart and received assurances that the Army will not fire on demonstrators. The Pentagon has also announced in recent days that it has no plans at this time to cut military aid shipments to Egypt.
Iranian leader cheers on "Islamic awareness" in Egypt
Opposition group announces sabotage campaign
Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, gave a Friday sermon at a mosque in Tehran which included his opinion that the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia are signs of the success of the Islamic Revolution.
"This is what was always referred to as ... Islamic awareness in connection with Iran's great Islamic Revolution," he insisted, adding his encouragement to the Egyptian protesters to overthrow President Mubarak just as he and his comrades overthrew the Shah in 1979, replacing him with a hardline Islamist government. He also gloated that such an outcome in Egypt would be an "irreparable defeat" for the US and Israel.
His remarks have been heavily criticized by government officials in Iran's Arab neighbors, and came a day after an Iranian opposition group calling itself the "Green Wave" announced plans to bring Khamenei's government "to its knees" by sabotaging the strategic energy sector, after attempts at popular protests in late 2009 and early 2010 were brutally crushed by the regime.
The Green Wave movement is led by an exiled Iranian businessman named Amir Jahanshahi, the son of a minister in the Shah's government, who has expressed hope that by hitting their business interests it might turn the powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
"In the next 12 months, there will be action taken to destabilise the energy sector, which has been plundered by Ahmadinejad and his entourage for personal profit and to finance terrorist groups overseas," Jahanshahi said in Paris on Thursday. "I take responsibility for everything that will happen in the energy sector, but I can't say more."
He was joined at the press conference by Mohammad Reza Madhi, a former IRGC general who leads the dissident "Circle of the People" group, which claims to have thousands of sympathizers in the IRGC and other government agencies.
In related news, the reputable International Institute for Strategic Studies in London released a study on Thursday estimating that Iran was capable of building a nuclear weapon in one to two years, but that its progress had been stymied by the Stuxnet computer worm and other problems.
"The diplomatic parlor game for the last couple of years has been guessing when the US or Israel might attack Iran's nuclear program," said IISS Director General John Chipman. "But it appears they already did but used a cyber munition with much less publicity and collateral damage."
Israeli Minister of Intelligence and Atomic Energy Dan Meridor was coy when speaking about the possibility that Israel might have been responsible for the Stuxnet worm while speaking at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs on Thursday, acknowledging that Israel needed to find new ways to fight its enemies that would not involve graphic pictures of battle being beamed around the world by cable news.
"The cyberworld ... becomes more important in the conflict between nations. It is a new battleground, if you like, not with guns but with something else," he said.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Prager University: The Middle East Problem
Bible Prophecy Signs to Watch For
I maintain that the best approach is to study the Bible diligently, ask for God's wisdom and understanding, and to discuss ideas with others as we cautiously watch for signs of the end times. Then, when led by the Spirit, we should tell others in a level-headed, educated manner.
Undoubtedly a balance must be had, as we should not fear telling people about God's Word either. What makes this all the more interesting to me is that myself and many others that carefully study Bible prophecy can not help but notice prophetic events seem to be culminating faster than ever before. It would seem that a sense of urgency to discuss how the events going on around us are prophetic, and it is being put upon the hearts and minds of many to share that information.
In 2 Peter 3:9-10 we read that the Lord is patient; but one day, like a thief, a literal end to the world as we know it will happen:
The Rapture
Before I begin discussing signs that we can watch for as we approach what the Bible calls "the time of the end" (Daniel 12:8-9), I want to be sure an important concept is understood, and that is that the Rapture is imminent! The Rapture is when Christians will be taken from the earth (1 Thes 4:16-17) and then, some time afterward, many catastrophic events will happen on earth: a time known as "The Tribulation". The Bible tells us that the Rapture will come “like a thief in the night,” when “no one knows,” and at a time when people are going about their usual lives (as in the days of Noah). Thus, it could happen before you finish reading this sentence, complete this article, or it may happen the next time you are asleep. If that concept seems unsettling to you (that is, you do not consider that a "blessed hope" like we read about in Titus 2:11-14), please be sure to read "Are You Ready?"
The Nation of Israel
One of the most notable prophetic events in recent history has set the stage for many other end-times events to begin unfolding; and, as seen in current headlines, that is exactly what is happening. Namely, after being dormant for nearly 2,000 years, Israel became a nation again. It's important to recognize that notable event happened just recently (1948). The following chart demonstrates how that was just a relatively short time ago in history:
It is abundantly clear that we should continue to watch Israel because Scripture tells us that God has chosen Israel for special purposes, both historically and for the fulfillment of end-times prophecy. Chapter 2 of Pray That You May Escape explains that idea in eye-opening detail and Chapter 3, particularly the subsection entitled "Daniel's 70th Week", discusses some fundamental concepts about end times Bible prophecy in relation to Israel, the Church, and the timing of those critical end times events. Those are events that are very important to Christians and non-Christians alike, especially in light of the times in which we live.
As a result, we can likely expect our solar grid and communication processes to be compromised, and potentially quite severely. Another side effect of the earth's core shifting is that it may be what is causing the animal death phenomenon, as it's disrupting the birds' ability to navigate properly, schools of fish to swim to their deaths, and herds of other animals to behave abnormally. That would explain why it happens to large groups at once (animals that travel in flocks, schools, and herds) and not affect other animals around them.
It may be also the reason for the increase in natural disasters, such as earthquakes and storms, which the Bible specifically predicts will happen in the end times (Matthew 24:8, as one example). Current headlines are reporting an increase in earthquake activity, record-breaking storms, floods, etc. Not only do humans feel their immediate impact, but those events lead to food shortages: which leads to inflation, and eventually famine. Again, specific end-times events foretold to happen in the Bible!
Another curious event is that the Euphrates River is drying up according to a recent article in the New York Times. Some of it is a result of water policy mismanagement by Iraq, a two-year drought, and the use of various dams.3 Revelation 16:12 foretells that the Euphrates will dry up in preparation for the Battle of Armageddon. If you observe a map of the Middle East, you will see how the removal of the Euphrates River as a natural barrier would permit nations east of Israel easier land access to Israel. Interestingly enough, it also could be achieved via man-made technology as well. In 1990 Turkey completed the construction of the Ataturk Dam on the Euphrates. The dam has been used to cut off the flow of the river in order to fill up the lake behind the dam.
The interesting topic of natural disasters, solar flares, and the earth's magnetic core shifting and more are all explained further in chapter 4 of Pray That You May Escape.
The Rebuilding of the Temple
Of course, just as the Bible has been right in all its prophecies, we know this is going to happen because Scripture tells us it will. In essence, the rebuilding of the temple will set up the “abomination that causes desolation” described so clearly in Daniel 9:27, explicitly referred to by Jesus in Matthew 24:15, and later mentioned by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:4. Therefore, it’s interesting that currently many Jews want to rebuild the temple, and even now are preparing to do so. According to the Temple Institute’s Statement of Principles,
Related to the aforementioned rebuilding of the temple, we can also watch for early signs of a seven-year peace treaty with Israel. This very important event will start Daniel's 70th Week and set the stage for the “abomination that causes desolation” (Daniel 9:27).
Before peace, however, we can expect war, as that is the sequence of events described in prophecy. Specifically, we know there will be “wars and rumors of wars” (Matthew 24:6). Historically, there is war and the threat thereof before there is peace.
Major Geopolitical Shifts
A rise in apostasy and false teachings will be prevalent in end times, (Matthew 24:10-11; 2 Timothy 3:1-4). This is something anyone sensitive to the topic knows is happening at an increasing and alarming rate. Chapter 6 of Pray That You May Escape discusses that topic with an especially prolific amount of scripture.
As described in detail in chapter 5 Pray That You May Escape, the end times will be marked with a continued decay of morals in society (2 Timothy 3:1-4). The study is fascinating and eye-opening.
A rather curious, albeit scary, event is described in Revelation 6:7-8, wherein we learn that wild beasts also will be the cause of many deaths.
The Purpose of the Millennium
By Jeffrey R. Camino
The Millennium has some special purposes. First, one must understand that when the Millennium begins, only believers will be alive on earth, as unbelievers will be in hell (Revelation 19:17-21). In other words, the inhabitants of earth will be comprised of two groups of Christians: Those that survived the tribulation and became Christians, and those that came back to earth with the Lord at His Second Coming (Revelation 19:14).
During the Millennium, earth will experience peace like never before (Isaiah 2:4; Joel 3:10; Micah 4:3). Jesus will be ruling on the throne of David and imposing a benevolent theocracy on all of His creation. Everyone's needs will be fulfilled, and sin will not be tolerated (Psalm 2:7-12; Revelation 2:26-29; 12:5; 19:11-16).
While the believers that return from heaven with Christ will have their "heavenly" bodies (1 Corinthians 15:51-52), the believers who lived through the Tribulation will remain mortal; thus that group of people will procreate and repopulate the earth during that 1,000 years on earth. Since there will not be food shortages, pestilence, natural disasters, and otherwise death like we know today because of sin, the human population will grow very quickly.
Consequently, a totally different third group of people will soon exist: those that are born during the Millennium. That will bring about an interesting situation: Although Satan and the evils of the world will not be an enemy to mankind, the third and final enemy, man's own sinful nature, will still exist within those that are born during the Millenium. At the end of the 1,000 years they will have to make a choice to either serve God or to serve their sinful nature because Satan will be loosed for a "short time" (Revelation 20:3) to give them that choice.
That is why we learn that Satan is tied up during that period and then released one final, brief time. It would seem all along, and up until the very end before Satan is thrown into the Lake of Fire for Eternity, he has been serving God's purpose to give mankind a choice. God does not want people to turn to Him because they have to, but because they want to explicitly make that choice. Consequently, another choice has to be represented to make the choice valid.
At the very end, there will be a "Great White Throne Judgment", when unbelievers are judged for their sins. As for those that accepted Christ beforehand, they will not be part of the judgment!
In fact, praise God that one judgment has already happened: the judgment of believers! What that means is that if you are truly born again, then the judgement for your sins has already been made at the Cross. That is a phenomenal thing to understand: Jesus became our substitute and, therefore, took all the judgment intended for our sins upon Himself (Romans 8:3; Galatians 3:13). That is the deep meaning of grace through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!!
Now, that doesn't mean we are to rest easy. The Bible tells us in Titus 2:11-14, “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.” (Much more about that important subject can be read in the article entitled "Eternal Salvation" which will be part of the "Related Links" cited at the end of this article.)
So, then, what will Christians be judged for? Understanding that we do not work to be saved; but, rather, we work because we are saved and want to please God, we can then comprehend that the Bible says we are saved to do good works (Ephesians 2:10 and Titus 2:14). The Holy Spirit will empower us to do so (1 Peter 4:11), all for God's glory (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Returning to that final judgment of nonbelievers, once that happens and the Millennium concludes, then true eternity will begin. For believers, it's something very much to look forward to!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Preparativos para el Tercer Templo
Confeccionan los hábitos para los sacerdotes!
Un grupo de sastres comenzó a confeccionar los hábitos de medio centenar de voluntarios que confían en convertirse en sacerdotes del Tercer Templo de Jerusalén, cuya construcción es uno de los más viejos anhelos del judaísmo.
Los destinatarios de las prendas son los “cohanim”, casta descendiente de Aarón, sumo sacerdote en la época de Moisés, y responsable de los oficios en el Primer y Segundo Templo, destruidos hace 2.500 y 2.000 años, respectivamente. Los sastres trabajan en el Instituto del Templo, ubicado cerca del único vestigio del segundo de los santuarios, el Muro, y que tiene como objetivo concienciar a los judíos de todo el mundo que el Tercero está al caer.
“Por esta razón -dice Iehuda Glick, su director- hay que prepararse y conocer bien toda la obra que se hacía hace dos mil años, así como los instrumentos necesarios para las labores sagradas”.
La confección de estos hábitos es una labor titánica, porque la gama de los colores púrpura, blanco y celeste de estos ropajes, según los describe la Biblia, es arcaica.
El rojo púrpura para los cinturones de 16 metros, por ejemplo, proviene del llamado “gusano carmesí”, en realidad un insecto, y que finalmente han encontrado en Turquía. La investigación requerió la participación de cientos de expertos en textiles y colores alrededor del globo, lo que, sin embargo, no disipa la ambición de completar estas prendas sacerdotales, ni las decenas de instrumentos que se exhiben en el museo, todas ellas en el metal y con el diseño exigido.
Y es que Glick está convencido que, tras la “milagrosa” creación del estado de Israel en 1948, la reconstrucción del santuario está en el horizonte.
“No sé cuando, sé que Dios lo facilitará, El encontrará el momento”, defiende el director de una entidad que existe desde hace dos décadas y que gastó más de 25 millones de dólares en esta misión.
Tradiciones ortodoxas, algunas más inspiradas en la Cábala que en documentos litúrgicos, hablan que el Tercer Templo será “obra divina” y que mientras tanto el hombre no debe interceder más que volviendo al camino de la fe para ganarse el favor de Dios, que después enviará a su Mesías… y con él el templo. Además, ningún ultraortodoxo osaría subir al lugar donde se hallaba el santuario, considerado “lugar prohibido” por no conocerse los límites exactos del Sancta Sanctorum, y únicamente está autorizado para ello el Gran Sacerdote y, sólo, en el Día del Perdón (Iom Kipur).
Hoy, en esa explanada se alzan las mezquitas del Domo de la Roca y de Al-Aksa, y cualquier tentativa de expropiación conduciría a un conflicto religioso que traspasaría los límites de la región.
Conocida por éstos como Haram Al-Sharif -El Noble Santuario-, es para el Islam su tercer lugar más sagrado después de La Meca y Medina, y para los palestinos el corazón espiritual de sus reivindicaciones
políticas de un estado independiente. “Los que creen que el Templo descenderá de los cielos, por arte de
magia o elemento cósmico, eluden el precepto bíblico de prepararse y participar en la construcción” , asegura Glick.
Para ellos, visitar lo que el judaísmo denomina el “Monte del Templo” y considera su lugar más sagrado, es una forma de reivindicar una potestad histórica y política para los judíos sobre ese lugar, en particular ahora que se decide el futuro de Jerusalén en las negociaciones de paz. (EFE)